I. I am thankful for my happiness and health.
II. My extraordinary family because through everything, they are the ones who never cease to have my back. Every single member of this family (not all pictured) brings something unique to the table and I'm a better person because of it. I cherish them with everything that I am.
III. My mama because she's the strongest, most beautiful person I have ever met & I see more and more of her in myself everyday. She has the ability to be so organized and practical and then suddenly she is weird and hilarious and ridiculous and it forever amazes me. I know she wants the best for me & she supports me in whatever I want to do.
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IV. My daddy because even though I don't get to see him everyday, I know that I can pick up the phone and that he will listen to anything I have to say. I am forever amazed at how cool he is and I hope that some of it wears off on me.
V. My insane siblings because they endlessly make me laugh. Nothing compares to my morning car rides with Ashton, obsessing over One Direction with Ariana, or hearing Aric randomly say that he loves me. They are my lifelong best friends.
VI. Bentley & Tyson because they are the most human like animals that I have ever met and they make me insanely happy everyday.
VII. My brand new closet and the fact that my room is finally clean again. After living out of a tiny hall closet downstairs for over 5 years, I am extremely grateful to finally have a walk in closet in my bedroom.
VIII. My new friends that I have made this year, Jacquelyn & Chanel. They are beautiful, trendy, intelligent girls and I am lucky to be in their company. Jacquelyn just understands me more than most people ever will. She understands that things are better if they are aesthetically pleasing and that everything is better if it has a beard. Chanel is always there when I need to obsess about how there will never be another couple as perfect as Alexa Chung & Alex Turner. I love our little clique and the adventures & conversations we have. We get along famously and I am so thankful to have met them.
IX. My old friends because they are all so brilliant in so many different ways. I am grateful to not have grudges against anyone anymore. I'm glad to be on good terms with all of my friends again.
I'm thankful for Helen because she is forever my very best friend in life. She's known me since I was a squirrly, weird, little 9 year old and she still loves me, so that says something about us. She's wildly intelligent and I am so happy to have her in my life.
I am thankful for Michelle because it doesn't matter how much we talk to each other, or how often we see each other, we never have a problem picking up right where we left off. She is completely vile and inappropriate most of the time, but that is precisely what I love most about her.
I'm thankful for Lindsey because shes plain old crazy, but I wouldn't change a single thing about her. She makes me laugh constantly and we can make a joke out of literally anything (madman).
I am thankful for Janette because she's been there with me through some serious shit. She's the person who most inspires me to take time to write and she is one of the strongest girls I know. She's like my sister (see Jackie & Debra)and trying to get through life without her is just "retarded".
X. This one is very important on my list. Meeting Jake has completely turned my world upside down. I knew from the very moment that I set eyes on him that there was something extraordinarily special about him. Getting to know him has been the most exciting experience that I have had thus far in my life. Everyday with him is an adventure. I am thankful that I get to hold his hand, kiss his face, and see his smile on a daily basis. He makes me laugh harder than anyone I have ever met. I am in love with the way his mind works, the words he uses, and his outlook on just about everything in life. He gets me & I get him, that's all there is to it.
As you can see, I have so many things to be happy and grateful for in my life. I believe that it is important to remember these things everyday and never take them for granted because you never know how long you'll have them for.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. Remember to eat everything in sight, nap for hours, and give lots of cuddles to everyone you love.
Aisha xx
This is a beautiful list and I'm so honored to be on it. I'm very grateful for having met you, Chanel, and Jake this year as well. It's like a second family and I'm glad that we all "get" each other so well. Have a great thanksgiving, beautiful!